Share Your Story (Rationally & Non-rationally)

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Previous: Project Development with the Round Table Method

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Next: Sharing is Caring! (A World Café Debate with Active Community Leaders)

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Share Your Story (Rationally & Non-rationally)

Thursday, April 27, 14.00, DOXlab
When working in communities, we are often perceived not only by our words and actions but also by a great deal of information that we carry with us. When working in communities, we are often perceived not only by a great deal of information that we carry with us but also by our words and actions.
Who are you? What story do you bring? What stories can be seen on you? Dare to tell. Dare to listen. Dare to share.


Key words: active listening, self-esteem, constructive talking

Brais Fernandes/Spain

Brais has been a trainer in youth and lifelong learning for twenty years. As a historian, story-teller, social worker, culture mediator and animator, his expertise ranges from public speaking skills to the arts and creativity, self-assessed learning and community development processes.

