SILENT WALK Prague – Holešovice: A Performative Exploration of Urban Diversity

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Previous: Functional Subgrouping – Opening Boundaries for Communication

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Next: Creative Writing: An Innovative Tool to Building Bridges in Communities

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SILENT WALK Prague – Holešovice: A Performative Exploration of Urban Diversity

Thursday, April 27, meeting downstairs in front of the DOX reception desk at 14.00 (we will go outside so don’t forget to bring your jacket)
Experience the ‘Silent walk’, which allows people from diverse backgrounds and/or disciplines to share the sensation of drifting through the city together and to immerse themselves in play, let go of their limits and improvise.
We will go beyond the Forum venue and observe, listen, smell, touch and act on the traces of the urban transformation and gentrification process that the neighbourhood is currently going through. In a collective silent ‘performance’, we will discover formal and informal rules, visible and invisible divisions and connections in local communities as well as their potential. Then we will share our findings through an open discussion and explore how to use this method and learnings to address challenges within our communities and within ourselves.
Key words: performative research, research through practice, experiential learning, participative leadership, collaborative action, urban exploration, dérivé, urban diversity, gentrification


Dominika Belanská/Slovakia

Dominika is an architect and place-maker based in Bratislava, Slovakia. She nurtures communities’ relationships with their environments through collaborative city-making.
She works on the local level to help communities in transforming underused urban spaces into meaningful places, e.g. by co-founding the first rooftop urban garden in Slovakia (POD PYRAMÍDOU); as well as on a strategic level, where she aims for the non-profit, public sector, business and academy to collaborate to bring a positive social impact, e.g. as a project manager of cooperative neighbourhood development (Obchodná ulica a okolie, Bratislava), and as a coordinator of participatory planning of public spaces and amenities (project Smíchov City, Prague). Recently, she also co-directed international arts festival in Bratislava, focused on the topic of neighbourhood and territory (Nomadic Arts Festival 2016).