As of 1 October, 5,862 donors have sent donations totaling $720,000 (CZK 16.5 million) to help towns afflicted by the recent ravaging floods. Our sincere thanks go to all those who have joined the relief effort and supported these communities.
Thanks to donor generosity, we are able to send aid to 12 affected municipalities in the Jesenik mountains – namely Bělá pod Pradědem, Česká Ves, Hradec – Nová Ves, Jeseník, Kobylá nad Vidnavkou, Lipová – lázně, Mikulovice, Písečná, Velká Kraš, Vidnava, Vápenná and Žulová, along with Brantice in the Bruntál region and Bravantice in the Nový Jičín region.
The fundraising drives are organized in collaboration with each specific municipality, ensuring that current needs on the ground are addressed. We are in regular contact with the mayors of the affected municipalities, who ensure that the support is used effectively. Initial aid is always about providing basic assistance to affected people and families and latter phases vary from place to place – some need to purchase desiccant pumps or generators, while others focus on intensive clearing, cleaning and repair work.
We sincerely thank everyone for their support in these difficult times! The online fundraising drives are still open on, and you can also make tax-deductible donations through Friends of Via.