Marija Matovska

Participants Facilitators and Experts

Marija Matovska is manager for social business at the Association for Education – Mlаdiinfo International, Social Impact Lab Department. Marija is the co-founder of the Youth Council of the American Embassy.

In the past, she worked as a marketing agent in and as a project coordinator at Health Education and Research Association – H.E.R.A. Marija holds a master’s degree in e-business management. Beside her dedication to social entrepreneurship, marketing and business, she is also passionate about societal issues including human rights, sexual and reproductive health and people with disabilities. Baesd on these interests, Marija is part of several organizations and informal initiatives such as: Inclusive solutions – Skopje, Trisomija 21- Skopje, Vo mojot svet, etc.

Marija lives a healthy lifestyle, practicing yoga and mountaineering sports. She is also part of the Ljuboten – Tetovo mountaineering club and the Matka- Skopje alpine club.

About my project

The Prolet neighborhood is part of the municipally of Centar in Skopje. At the moment, local citizens don’t have many opportunities to engage in different community initiatives or projects and they are not really active in that regard.

The (Intergenerational) Social Club is a place where young people with disabilities and elderly people share their free time, leisure activities, skills, and capacities by also including other segments of the local community: the municipality, the business sector, kindergartens and schools. The Social Club is open to anyone who wants to contribute to the local community by joining existing initiatives or creating new ones that will improve the weak parts of the community. The local challenges are the same for everyone. In the Social Club we want to address all these issues in one wholly inclusive and integrative way.