Three Sisters Are Helping Fund

The Three Sisters Are Helping Fund supports people in need or crisis.



The music band Three Sisters established its own donor fund at Via Foundation in late 2011. The mission of the fund is to support needy people who must rely on the help of others or people who suddenly find themselves in crisis due to an accident, illness or other personal tragedy. Since it was established 10 years ago, the fund has expended CZK 365,000 to help 16 recipients.

“Our priority is to help fellow citizens whose lives are hindered by disabilities. In the past, we have given gifts, for example, towards purchase of an electric wheelchair, physical therapy stays for disabled girls, or simply to cover the costs of coal for one winter for a woman in crisis. We assess each application personally and individually,” says the band’s bass guitarist Tomáš “Magor” Doležal. Karel Bartáček (left) got a new wheelchair thanks to the Three Sisters Are Helping Fund.



In 2019, the Three Sisters Are Helping Fund supported 15 people with disabilities or in crisis. Gifts e.g. paid for the physical therapy for a young girl named Anetka, helped a woman named Eva who cares for her husband, enabled Martin, a 8-time weightlifting champion in competitions for the blind, to take part in a competition in Egypt, and contributed towards a special car for Ladislav, who was paralysed in a car accident.


Band members, friends and fans make gifts to the fund by directly depositing money into the fund, through Via Foundation’s charitable auction and through fundraising drives on

Jana Horáková
Partner Projects and Funds
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