Marian Sindrinaru


Marian Sindrinaru is 36 years old, and he has been working as an English teacher for 15 years, and in the NGO field since 2005, actively involved in the local development of the Bustuchin locality and surrounding communities, eager to help with the development of the community through its people.
Connected to the community by my family, my job and the people living here, he has been a part of the Bustuchin community for more than 25 years.
He is a nice, fun and friendly person, honest, open-minded and he has good listening and communication skills. He has a creative mind, he is well organized and always plans ahead to make sure He manages his time well.
He is a very good team member and he is able to take instructions from all levels and build up good working relationships with all colleagues and he considers himself able to adapt to all challenging situations.

Organization: ‘Euro-House Bustuchin Association’, Romania

Bustuchin locality is an administrative territorial unit situated in the southwest Oltenia region, in the western part of Gorj County, Romania. Although it is a rural locality, 40% of its population is comprised of young people under the age of 30. It has a Technological High School with 783 students between the ages of 7 and 18.
There is a lack of any representative structure for young people’s interests, which could have mechanisms like working meetings, dialogue and debates between the young people’s leaders and local authorities, through which young people’s problems, needs and solutions could be incorporated into the decision-making process of Bustuchin local authorities in a structured way.
Through its activities the project aims to address the low level of involvement of young people from Bustuchin in community affairs, caused by a lack of knowledge about the role they might play in community development and personal development as well, in the economic, social, cultural and administrative aspects of the Bustuchin community.
The project goal is to build the capacity of a Youth Local Group (YLG) from Bustuchin to help young people’s initiatives take shape and actively involve them in implementing projects of local interest and formulating local public policies in fields of major interest to them, based on elaboration of the strategy and local action plan for Bustuchin youth and on a working mechanism of cooperation with the local authorities.