Natalia Szelachowska


Natalia Szelachowska is a cultural animator, cultural events coordinator and promotion specialist. Born and raised in Warsaw, Poland, she feels strongly connected to the city itself. Since 2013, she has been developing cultural, animation and research projects based in Praga Południe (one of Warsaw’s districts). She was in charge of a project called “Bazar Szembeka – miejsce spotkań” ( run by Stowarzyszenie Badawczo-Animacyjne Flaneur (, of which she is a board member. She has also collaborated with the Institute for Public Spaces (IBPP).
However, for her there are no boundaries. She is also a member and local coordinator of the transnational civil organization European Alternatives. She coordinated various social and artistic events during the Transeuropa Warsaw Festival in 2012 and 2013.
She is interested in contemporary society with all its diversity, connections and differences. She works on projects on the borderline between art and social issues.
She is addicted to traveling, learning new things from interesting people, constantly discovering new music and swimming!

Organization: ‘Stowarzyszenie Badawczo-Animacyjne Flaneur’, Poland

The project will raise awareness about ways to participate in the social life and lifelong education of citizens. The goals are to familiarise people with the urge to be responsible for their surroundings, educate researchers and develop a social and urban methodology.
The project is also intended to encourage dialogue between inhabitants and city representatives in order to understand the needs of the first group and processes and procedures of the second group. It will also enable young people to become qualified researchers and social initiators in relation to active participation and assuming responsible for public space.