Tatiana Cárová


Tatiana Cárová believes that various barriers and misunderstandings between various people can be overcome only through a willingness to listen, care and share more.
She has worked as a youth worker, project coordinator and trainer in topics such as intercultural dialogue, conflict prevention, communication skills, anti-discrimination and global education for more than eight years now. Along with Master’s and PhD studies in English and Philosophy, she has worked as a volunteer for various non-governmental organizations in Slovakia as well as with some European and international institutions, where she gained rich experience in training and project management.
Tatiana currently works with the civic association PDCS as a project manager and trainer, focusing on promoting values of open dialogue and active citizenship through education and community activities.

Organization: ´PDCS´, Slovakia

How is the community cooked?
This project is about learning to be an active part of the community and encouraging others to engage.
It is about learning to communicate and communicating together.
It is about learning to cook and cooking together.
In our societies, we often forget or neglect to communicate with other people whom we don’t know or feel different and isolated from. In this way we remain isolated from our community and accept the unwritten stereotypes and invisible barriers that our societies are filled with.
Cooking together has always been the most powerful tool for bridging communication between various people and it still is within groups of families or friends. In this project, we intend to use shared cooking events to create an inclusive platform, which will provide all visitors with the opportunity to network, share, learn and gain more life and work competences.